Friday, July 27, 2007

Yes I once was a chub

I can't believe I'm posting this, but this reminds me to never give up on my passion for fitness and health. I'm also hoping that many can see that it is possible to totally change the shape of your body with hard work, courage, and discipline.

I'm bummed today is Friday, only b/c I dread my job on the weekends. I went into work last night for extra hours and didn't get off until after 2am. This morning my body was too exhausted to do fasted cardio so instead I'm going to do more cardio this afternoon. I didn't wake up until 11am and if I ran for an hour on an empty stomach I definitely wouldn't get in all my meals for the day. It sucks b/c I have to get up before 3am tomorrow for work, don't ask how I'm going to make it to bed tonight. I need to be working as much as possible in order to pay for school and a car next month. I'm starting to stress out about finances, making an A on my final exam in a couple of weeks,if I'm going to move closer to school and where exactly, and getting in all of the extra cardio. To tackle my stress I'm going to simply doing my best each day, that's all I can do and hopefully everything will fall into place.


April said...

Thanks for posting those Hollie! I can totally see myself being able to transform now :) You won't believe how much it will help other people too.

We did have similar body types(I believe you now;). Except I'VE NEVER HAD BOOBS!!!

EM :) said...

HOLLIE!!! Please tell me where you got your suit! I love the suits you & April have....I've gotta get some ordered this WEEKEND! YIKES!
Oh, by the way, I can see EXACTLY why you got first, you look PhENOMENAL!!!!!!! Great symmetry fo shore!
Email me when you get a chance! Thanks

Denise said...

I think these are amazing. I hope to be able to someday post something similar. I already have the chub pictures. :)

Tracy said...


Thank you for sharing.

Stef said...

Wow...what a difference! I too was once a chub!


A Prelude To... said...

Great Work, Hollie!!! Thanks for posting them - before and afters are always so inspirational to everyone!! I'm with Eileen - share your story.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these...INCREDIBLE!!!!!! I love before and after's! :)

Laurie said...

Wow, wow, wow!!! What a world of difference, great job!!! I love Eileen's questions and would love to hear the answers too.

Anonymous said...

Wow that really give me hope, know that if I just stick with this fitness routine that I can one day get into better shape like you. Any other pointers?