Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Just found this!

As if I don't feel great enough b/c of my cleanse, I now feel euphoric, take a look...



KatieFeldmom said...

So glad that you are feeling good. I've heard of Isagenix, but not until I read your post have I actually thought about asking Tony about it. Maybe that's the kick that I need.

Lori said...

I was reading below about yoru hours. I sometimes go in at 0400 too and don't like it, but when I do 12 hour days I'd rather do that than hold over until 8pm (8am-8pm). I am going in at 4am tomorrow and working until 4pm. That is my overtime though not my regular schedule.

I'll follow to see how this isogenix thing goes, I'm interested but too broke to buy it.